Oregon 700 display only certain symbols

Discussion related to the Garmin Oregon 7x0 series GPSr
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Oregon 700 display only certain symbols

Unread post by xKatjaaah »

Hi everyone,
I'm very new to using the Oregon 700, and have a question. I have a lot of different waypoints on my GPS, grouped with certain symbols. For example, I have a group of points that are all marked with a tree, a group all marked with red flags and a group all marked with acorns. Is it possible to only display one of these groups? So that I can see the map with only the tree symbols for example.
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Re: Oregon 700 display only certain symbols

Unread post by GPSrChive »

Congratulations on choosing the Oregon 7x0 series, a very versatile GPSr!

Unfortunately, no Garmin GPSr allows users to Show/Hide waypoints on the map page based on waypoint symbol.

You can sort them by waypoint symbol in the Waypoint Manager page.

Please see GPSrChive > Oregon 7x0 if you have not already for additional details.
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