GPSMAP 276Cx Firmware 5.50

Discussion related to the Garmin GPSMAP 276Cx GPSr
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GPSMAP 276Cx Firmware 5.50

Unread post by ConiKost »

Garmin have published Firmware Update 5.50 for the GPSMAP 276Cx.

Released: January 29, 2021.

Changes made from version 5.40 to 5.50:
  • Fixed an issue where the plot type for altimeter setup could not be changed.
  • Fixed an issue when saving a projected waypoint.
  • Fixed an issue where certain voice navigation languages would not speak.
  • Fixed an issue where the device would sometimes freeze when connected to USB.
  • Fixed an issue where calories would not count.
  • Fixed an issue with prompt message when GPS signal is not detected.

Use Garmin Express or WebUpdater for automated firmware installation.

Download GPSMAP 276Cx Firmware 5.50 for manual installation.

Please report your observations here after installing and testing!
Garmin DriveSmart 86 MT-D (FW 6.90, HW V8, GPS 9.00.50, 32GB SD)
Garmin Montana 750i (FW 22.70, HW V6, GPS 2.90, Touchscreen 85.07, ​64GB SD)
Posts: 982
Joined: Sat Jan 16, 2021 4:08 pm

Re: GPSMAP 276Cx Firmware 5.50

Unread post by ConiKost »

After some testing, I can say, that the following bugs have been fixed, which I also all reported to Garmin.

* 'Barometric Pressure' works now and can be enabled in by Setup -> Altimeter -> Plot Type
* Device does not freeze anymore, if Garmin Spanner Mode is enabled, a POI via 'Find -> POI -> Open POI' in detail view opened and you connect the USB cable, so the device asks, if you wan't to enable mass storage.
* Message 'Importing Shaping Points' is now correctly translated when using German language.
* Message "GPS signal lost" isn't anymore invisible, when no GPS signal is detected and being correctly shown.
* Voices, which don't support 'RealDirection', do now work and give turn-by-turn voice ouput.
Last edited by ConiKost on Fri Jan 29, 2021 11:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Garmin DriveSmart 86 MT-D (FW 6.90, HW V8, GPS 9.00.50, 32GB SD)
Garmin Montana 750i (FW 22.70, HW V6, GPS 2.90, Touchscreen 85.07, ​64GB SD)
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