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proximity alerts for points loaded with POI loader

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 6:44 am
by 987
Have anyone noted how alerts loaded with POI loader triggers on GPSMAP 66st software 4.20-4.80, gps firmare 2.80.?
I have loaded some points with speed alerts with POI loader (2.7.3 which i think is the latest).

1. When the proximity alert triggers, it would be great if the screen light could turn on when the alarm triggers, this helps to understand that an alarm triggered even in noisy environments, such as in a car or in really bad weathers. The best would be to have an option "Turn on screen light on proximity alert" that would turn it on for the time that is set up on the device or "Flash screen light on proximity alert" which could turn on the screen light for a few seconds.

2. It would be great if the point(s) which has triggered the alarm is marked on the map in some way, flashing, bold, etc. This helps to understand which point that triggered the alarm. etrex Vista HCx does this.

3. It seems that the GPSMAP 66st with above firmware, does not trigger speed alerts at the approximate distance of 30 seconds before the point if travelling towards a speed alert point. It often triggers later (closer to the point) no matter the speed travelled.
In some cases it gives a lot of signals (even when travelling slower than the alarm speed) and some times it triggers once.
Would be great if it was consistent!

Re: proximity alerts for points loaded with POI loader

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 2:49 pm
by GPSrChive
Thank you for making some excellent suggestions!

1.) Added: GPSrChive > GPSMAP 66 > Common Issues > Feature Request 31.

2.) Added: GPSrChive > GPSMAP 66 > Common Issues > Missing Feature 8.

3.) This probably falls under GPSrChive > GPSMAP 66 > Common Issues > Bug 39.