GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite System

GNSS Concept

Satellite Constellations

Your Global Positioning System receiver (GPSr) must utilize information transmitted from one or more satellite constellations (which is best?) to accurately and precisely calculate your current position. Which systems are used and the number of satellite signals available will directly impact device performance and accuracy. See this Garmin GPS Guide for beginners to learn more about how these systems work.



The Global Positioning System is a space-based satellite navigation system that provides location and time information in all weather conditions, anywhere on or near the Earth where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites. The original concept for a Defense Navigation Satellite System (DNSS) in September 1973 was later named Navstar (NAVigation System using Timing And Ranging), then Navstar-GPS to identify the constellation of Navstar satellites, and eventually shortened simply to GPS. Achieving initial operational capability (IOC) in December 1993, Full Operational Capability (FOC) was declared by Air Force Space Command (AFSPC) in April 1995. The highest quality signals were reserved for military use, and the signal available for civilian use was intentionally degraded. Selective Availability was discontinued on May 2, 2000, allowing users to receive a non-degraded signal globally. GPS is maintained by the United States government and is freely accessible to anyone with a GPS receiver.


The GLObal NAvigation Satellite System is a space-based satellite navigation system operated by the Russian Aerospace Defence Forces. It both complements and provides an alternative to the United States' Global Positioning System (GPS) and is the only alternative navigational system in operation with global coverage and comparable precision. GLONASS initially achieved Full Operational Capability (FOC) in December, 1995. Financial difficulties crippled the Russian space program, leaving them with only 6 operational satellites by 2001. In 2010, GLONASS had achieved 100% coverage of Russia's territory, and by October 2011, the full orbital constellation of 24 satellites was restored, enabling full global coverage.


Galileo is the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) that is being created by the European Union (EU) through the European GNSS Agency (GSA), headquartered in Prague in the Czech Republic, with two ground operations centres, Oberpfaffenhofen near Munich in Germany and Fucino in Italy. The project is named after the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei. Galileo is intended to provide an independent high-precision positioning system so European nations do not have to rely on the Russian GLONASS, Chinese BeiDou or US GPS systems. The first Galileo test satellite, the GIOVE-A, was launched 28 December 2005, while the first satellite to be part of the operational system was launched on 21 October 2011. As of July 2018, 26 of the planned 30 active satellites were in orbit. Galileo started offering Early Operational Capability (EOC) on 15 December 2016, providing initial services with a weak signal, and is expected to reach Full Operational Capability (FOC) in 2019.


The original Chinese BeiDou navigation satellite system (BDS) BeiDou-1 consisted of three satellites and offered limited coverage and services from 2000 through 2012. The second generation BeiDou-2 (COMPASS) system became operational to China in December 2011 with a partial constellation of 10 satellites, and has been providing services to the Asia-Pacific region since December 2012. China's third generation BeiDou-3 system began providing global services on December 27, 2018. The final BDS-3 satellite was launched into orbit on June 23, 2020, completing the newest alternative to GPS, GLONASS and Galileo.


NavIC (Navigation with Indian Constellation) is the operational name for the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS), with a space segment consisting of eight satellites. Three satellites are positioned in Geostationary orbit (GEO), while another five satellites operate in an Inclined Geosynchronous orbit (IGSO). Future expansion plans include the development and deployment of five additional satellites in the short term, with long term aspirations of a Global Indian Navigation System (GINS) constellation consisting of 24 satellites.


Iridium is the only mobile voice and data satellite communications network that spans the entire globe. It is comprised of six polar orbiting planes, each containing 11 crosslinked satellites totaling 66 in the operational constellation, creating a web of coverage around the Earth. Iridium enables connections between people, organizations and assets to and from anywhere, in real time.


The Ground Based Augmentation System (also referred to as Local Area Augmentation System in U.S.) is intended primarily to support precision aviation approach operations. GBAS information is transmitted using VHF signals most handheld Garmin GPS receivers are not equipped to receive.


A Satellite Based Augmentation System supports wide-area or regional augmentation through the use of additional satellite-broadcast messages.

Satellite Identification

Have you ever considered what the numbers assigned to each GPS satellite on your Garmin GPSr represent, or how they are determined?


Standard Assignment


Garmin Assignment

Garmin NMEA Conversion










NMEA = GLONASS Slot Number + 64








SBAS Expansion/Testing




Future GNSS

E01-E36   Galileo   01-36   Galileo   NMEA = PRN (no "E" prefix)
C01-C60   BeiDou   01-60   BeiDou   NMEA = PRN (no "C" prefix)
I01-I08   NavIC   01-08   NavIC   NMEA = PRN (no "I" prefix)
183-199   QZSS   01-05   QZSS   NMEA = SVN

GNSS Signals and Frequencies

System Signal Frequency (MHz)
GPS L1 C/A 1575.420
L1C 1575.420
L2C 1227.600
L2P 1227.600
L5 1176.450
GLONASS L1 C/A 1598.0625 - 1609.3125
L2C 1242.9375 - 1251.6875
L2P 1242.9375 - 1251.6875
L3OC 1202.025
Galileo E1 1575.420
E5a 1176.450
E5b 1207.140
E5 AltBOC 1191.795
E6 1278.750
BeiDou B1l 1561.098
B2l 1207.140
B3l 1268.520
B1C 1575.420
B2a 1176.450
B2b 1207.140
NavIC L5 1176.450
QZSS L1 C/A 1575.420
L1C 1575.420
L1S 1575.420
L2C 1227.600
L5 1176.450
L6 1278.750
SBAS L1 1575.420
L5 1176.450

Satellite Tracking

Clock Types Orbit Types
  • RB - Rubidium
  • CS - Cesium
  • PHM - Passive Hydrogen Maser
  • RAFS - Rubidium Atomic Frequency Standard
  • HMAC - Hydrogen Maser Atomic Clock
  • MEO - Medium Earth Orbit
  • GEO - Geostationary Orbit
  • IGSO - Inclined Geosynchronous Orbit
  • QZO - Quasi Zenith Orbit

PRN NMEA System NORAD Identification Notes
01 01 GPS 37753 SVN 63 (Navstar 66) USA-232 (IIF-D2) (2F-2) (L1C/A, L2C, L5) (RB)
02 02 GPS 28474 SVN 61 (Navstar 56) USA-180 (IIR-D1) (2R-13) (L1C/A) (RB)
03 03 GPS 40294 SVN 69 (Navstar 72) USA-258 (IIF-E1) (2F-8) (L1C/A, L2C, L5) (RB) ('Spica')
04 04 GPS 43873 SVN 74 (Navstar 77) USA-289 (III-F4) (3-1) (L1C/A, L2C, L5) (RB) ('Vespucci') First to broadcast operational L1C signal
05 05 GPS 35752 SVN 50 (Navstar 64) USA-206 (IIRM-E3) (2R-21M) (L1C/A, L2C) (RB)
06 06 GPS 39741 SVN 67 (Navstar 70) USA-251 (IIF-D4) (2F-6) (L1C/A, L2C, L5) (RB) ('Rigel')
07 07 GPS 32711 SVN 48 (Navstar 62) USA-201 (IIRM-A4) (2R-19M) (L1C/A, L2C) (RB)
08 08 GPS 40730 SVN 72 (Navstar 74) USA-262 (IIF-C3) (2F-10) (L1C/A, L2C, L5) (CS) ('Antares')
09 09 GPS 40105 SVN 68 (Navstar 71) USA-256 (IIF-F3) (2F-7) (L1C/A, L2C, L5) (RB) ('Capella')
10 10 GPS 41019 SVN 73 (Navstar 75) USA-265 (IIF-E2) (2F-11) (L1C/A, L2C, L5) (RB) ('Altair')
11 11 GPS 48859 SVN 78 (Navstar 81) USA-319 (III-D5) (3-5) (L1C/A, L2C, L5) (RB) ('Neil Armstrong')
12 12 GPS 29601 SVN 58 (Navstar 59) USA-192 (IIRM-B4) (2R-16M) (L1C/A, L2C) (RB)
13 13 GPS 24876 SVN 43 (Navstar 43) USA-132 (IIR-F6) (2R-2) (L1C/A) (RB)
14 14 GPS 46826 SVN 77 (Navstar 80) USA-309 (III-B6) (3-4) (L1C/A, L2C, L5) (RB) ('Sacagawea')
15 15 GPS 32260 SVN 55 (Navstar 60) USA-196 (IIRM-F2) (2R-17M) (L1C/A, L2C) (RB)
16 16 GPS 27663 SVN 56 (Navstar 51) USA-166 (IIR-B1) (2R-8) (L1C/A) (RB)
17 17 GPS 28874 SVN 53 (Navstar 57) USA-183 (IIRM-C4) (2R-14M) (L1C/A, L2C) (RB)
18 18 GPS 44506 SVN 75 (Navstar 78) USA-293 (III-D6) (3-2) (L1C/A, L2C, L5) (RB) ('Magellan')
19 19 GPS 28190 SVN 59 (Navstar 54) USA-177 (IIR-C5) (2R-11) (L1C/A) (RB)
20 20 GPS 26360 SVN 51 (Navstar 47) USA-150 (IIR-E4) (2R-4) (L1C/A) (RB)
21 21 GPS 27704 SVN 45 (Navstar 52) USA-168 (IIR-D3) (2R-9) (L1C/A) (RB)
22 22 GPS 26605 SVN 41 (Navstar 49) USA-154 (IIR-F5) (2R-6) (L1C/A) (RB)
23 23 GPS 45854 SVN 76 (Navstar 79) USA-304 (III-E5) (3-3) (L1C/A, L2C, L5) (RB) ('Matthew Henson')
24 24 GPS 38833 SVN 65 (Navstar 67) USA-239 (IIF-A1) (2F-3) (L1C/A, L2C, L5) (CS) ('Arcturus')
25 25 GPS 36585 SVN 62 (Navstar 65) USA-213 (IIF-B2) (2F-1) (L1C/A, L2C, L5) (RB) ('Polaris') First to broadcast operational L5 signal
26 26 GPS 40534 SVN 71 (Navstar 73) USA-260 (IIF-B5) (2F-9) (L1C/A, L2C, L5) (RB) ('Deneb')
27 27 GPS 39166 SVN 66 (Navstar 68) USA-242 (IIF-C2) (2F-4) (L1C/A, L2C, L5) (RB) ('Vega')
28 28 GPS 55268 SVN 79 (Navstar 82) USA-343 (III-A6) (3-6) (L1C/A, L2C, L5) (RB) ('Amelia Earhart')
29 29 GPS 32384 SVN 57 (Navstar 61) USA-199 (IIRM-C1) (2R-18M) (L1C/A, L2C) (RB)
30 30 GPS 39533 SVN 64 (Navstar 69) USA-248 (IIF-A3) (2F-5) (L1C/A, L2C, L5) (RB) ('Canopus')
31 31 GPS 29486 SVN 52 (Navstar 58) USA-190 (IIRM-A2) (2R-15M) (L1C/A, L2C) (RB)
32 32 GPS 41328 SVN 70 (Navstar 76) USA-266 (IIF-F1) (2F-12) (L1C/A, L2C, L5) (RB) ('Betelgeuse')
PRN NMEA System NORAD Identification Notes
121 34 SBAS 44624 Eutelsat 5WB (5° W) (MAY 2031)
122 35 SouthPAN 28628 Inmarsat 4-F1 (143.5° E) (L1, L5) (JAN 2029) First SBAS in southern hemisphere
123 36 EGNOS 39617 Astra 5B (31.5° E) (MAY 2031)
125 38 SDCM 38977 LUCH-5B (16° W) (MAY 2031)
126 39 EGNOS 28899 Inmarsat 4-F2 (IOR-W) (63.9° E) (DEC 2024)
127 40 GAGAN 37605 GSAT-8 (55° E) (JUN 2030)
128 41 GAGAN 38779 GSAT-10 (83° E) (JUN 2030)
129 42 MSAS 42917 QZS-3 (Michibiki-3) (127° E) (SEP 2029) (SVN = 003) (Multi PRN Broadcast)
130 43 SNAS 36287 BDSBAS (G1) (140° E) (AUG 2030) (BDS-3) (B1C, B2a)
131 44 WAAS 41589 Eutelsat 117 West B (117° W) (MAR 2028)
132 52 GAGAN 41028 GSAT-15 (93.5° E) (NOV 2025)
133 46 WAAS 42709 SES-15 (129° W) (OCT 2029)
134 47 KAAS 52904 MEASAT-3D (91.5° E) (Jun 2024) Launched 23JUN22 (gpsworld)
135 48 WAAS 46114 Galaxy 30 (125° W) (JUL 2029)
136 49 EGNOS 38652 SES-5 (5° E) (MAY 2031) (a.k.a. Sirius 5 or Astra 4B)
137 50 MSAS 42917 QZS-3 (Michibiki-3) (127° E) (SEP 2029) (SVN = 003) (Multi PRN Broadcast)
138 51 WAAS 28868 Anik F1-R (107.3° W) (FEB 2025)
140 53 SDCM 39727 LUCH-5V (95° E) (MAY 2031)
141 54 SDCM 37951 LUCH-5A (167° E) (MAY 2031)
143 56 SNAS 36590 BDSBAS (G3) (110.5° E) (AUG 2030) (BDS-3) (B1C, B2a)
144 57 SNAS 34779 BDSBAS (G2) (80° E) (AUG 2030) (BDS-3) (B1C, B2a)
Slot NMEA System NORAD Identification Notes
01 65 GLONASS 36111 730 (COSMOS 2456) (GN 65) (I) (M) (G1C, G2C) (CS)
02 66 GLONASS 39155 747 (COSMOS 2485) (GN 66) (I) (M) (G1C, G2C) (CS)
03 67 GLONASS 37867 744 (COSMOS 2476) (GN 67) (I) (M) (G1C, G2C) (CS)
04 68 GLONASS 44850 759 (COSMOS 2544) (GN 68) (I) (M)
05 69 GLONASS 43508 756 (COSMOS 2527) (GN 69) (I) (M) (G1C, G2C) (CS)
06 70 GLONASS 36112 733 (COSMOS 2457) (GN 70) (I) (M) (G1C, G2C) (CS)
07 71 GLONASS 37868 745 (COSMOS 2477) (GN 71) (I) (M) (G1C, G2C) (CS)
08 72 GLONASS 37869 743 (COSMOS 2475) (GN 72) (I) (M) (G1C, G2C) (CS)
09 73 GLONASS 40315 702 (COSMOS 2501) (GN 73) (II) (K1) (G1C, G2C, L3) (CS)
10 74 GLONASS 32395 723 (COSMOS 2436) (GN 74) (II) (M) (G1C, G2C) (CS)
11 75 GLONASS 46805 705 (COSMOS 2547) (GN 75) (II) (K1)
12 76 GLONASS 44299 758 (COSMOS 2534) (GN 76) (II) (M) (G1C, G2C) (CS)
13 77 GLONASS 32393 721 (COSMOS 2434) (GN 77) (II) (M) (G1C, G2C) (CS)
14 78 GLONASS 42939 752 (COSMOS 2522) (GN 78) (II) (M) (G1C, G2C) (CS)
15 79 GLONASS 43687 757 (COSMOS 2529) (GN 79) (II) (M) (G1C, G2C) (CS)
16 80 GLONASS 54377 761 (COSMOS 2564) (GN 80) (II) (M) (G1C, G2C) (CS)
17 81 GLONASS 41330 751 (COSMOS 2514) (GN 81) (III) (M+) (G1C, G2C) (CS)
18 82 GLONASS 39620 754 (COSMOS 2492) (GN 82) (III) (M) (G1C, G2C) (CS)
19 83 GLONASS 32275 720 (COSMOS 2433) (GN 83) (III) (M) (G1C, G2C) (CS)
20 84 GLONASS 32276 719 (COSMOS 2432) (GN 84) (III) (M) (G1C, G2C) (CS)
21 85 GLONASS 40001 755 (COSMOS 2500) (GN 85) (III) (M+) (G1C, G2C, L3) (CS)
22 86 GLONASS 52984 706 (COSMOS 2557) (GN 86) (III) (K1)
23 87 GLONASS 36402 732 (COSMOS 2460) (GN 87) (III) (M) (G1C, G2C) (CS)
24 88 GLONASS 45358 760 (COSMOS 2545) (GN 88) (III) (M)
25 89 GLONASS 54031 707 (COSMOS 2559) (GN 89) (III) (K1)

PRN NMEA System NORAD Identification Notes
E01 01 Galileo 41550 Galileo 13 (26A) (GSAT0210) (E1, E5a, E5b, E6) (PHM, RAFS) Declared unusable 31AUG22 (NAGU 2022035)
E02 02 Galileo 41549 Galileo 14 (26B) (GSAT0211) (E1, E5a, E5b, E6) (PHM, RAFS)
E03 03 Galileo 41860 Galileo 16 (26C) (GSAT0212) (E1, E5a, E5b, E6) (PHM, RAFS)
E04 04 Galileo 41861 Galileo 17 (26D) (GSAT0213) (E1, E5a, E5b, E6) (PHM, RAFS)
E05 05 Galileo 41862 Galileo 18 (26E) (GSAT0214) (E1, E5a, E5b, E6) (PHM, RAFS)
E06 06 Galileo      
E07 07 Galileo 41859 Galileo 15 (267) (GSAT0207) (E1, E5a, E5b, E6) (PHM, RAFS)
E08 08 Galileo 41175 Galileo 11 (268) (GSAT0208) (E1, E5a, E5b, E6) (PHM, RAFS)
E09 09 Galileo 41174 Galileo 12 (269) (GSAT0209) (E1, E5a, E5b, E6) (PHM, RAFS)
E10 10 Galileo 49810 Galileo 28 (224) (GSAT0224) (E1, E5a, E5b, E6) (PHM)
E11 11 Galileo 37846 Galileo-PFM (GSAT0101) (E1, E5a, E5b, E6) (PHM)
E12 12 Galileo 37847 Galileo-FM2 (GSAT0102) (E1, E5a, E5b, E6) (PHM, RAFS)
E13 13 Galileo 43567 Galileo 24 (2C0) (GSAT0220) (E1, E5a, E5b, E6) (PHM, RAFS)
E14 14 Galileo 40129 Galileo 6 (262) (GSAT0202) (E1, E5a, E5b, E6) (PHM, RAFS) Declared unusable 16FEB21 (NAGU 2021008)
E15 15 Galileo 43564 Galileo 25 (2C1) (GSAT0221) (E1, E5a, E5b, E6) (PHM, RAFS)
E16 16 Galileo      
E17 17 Galileo      
E18 18 Galileo 40128 Galileo 5 (261) (GSAT0201) (E1, E5a, E5b, E6) (PHM, RAFS) Declared unusable 16FEB21 (NAGU 2021008)
E19 19 Galileo 38857 Galileo-FM3 (GSAT0103) (E1, E5a, E5b, E6) (PHM)
E20 20 Galileo 38858 Galileo-FM4 (GSAT0104) (E1, E5a, E5b, E6) (PHM, RAFS) Payload power problem 27MAY14 (NAGU 2014014)
E21 21 Galileo 43055 Galileo 19 (2C5) (GSAT0215) (E1, E5a, E5b, E6) (PHM, RAFS)
E22 22 Galileo 40545 GSAT0204 (GSAT0204) (E1, E5a, E5b, E6) (PHM, RAFS) Removed from service 08DEC17 (NAGU 2017045)
E23 23 Galileo      
E24 24 Galileo 40889 Galileo 9 (205) (GSAT0205) (E1, E5a, E5b, E6) (PHM, RAFS)
E25 25 Galileo 43056 Galileo 20 (2C6) (GSAT0216) (E1, E5a, E5b, E6) (PHM, RAFS)
E26 26 Galileo 40544 GSAT0203 (GSAT0203) (E1, E5a, E5b, E6) (PHM, RAFS)
E27 27 Galileo 43057 Galileo 21 (2C7) (GSAT0217) (E1, E5a, E5b, E6) (PHM, RAFS)
E28 28 Galileo      
E29 29 Galileo      
E30 30 Galileo 40890 Galileo 10 (206) (GSAT0206) (E1, E5a, E5b, E6) (PHM, RAFS)
E31 31 Galileo 43058 Galileo 22 (2C8) (GSAT0218) (E1, E5a, E5b, E6) (PHM, RAFS)
E32 32 Galileo      
E33 33 Galileo 43565 Galileo 26 (2C2) (GSAT0222) (E1, E5a, E5b, E6) (PHM, RAFS)
E34 34 Galileo 49809 Galileo 27 (223) (GSAT0223) (E1, E5a, E5b, E6) (PHM)
E35 35 Galileo      
E36 36 Galileo 43566 Galileo 23 (2C9) (GSAT0219) (E1, E5a, E5b, E6) (PHM, RAFS)

PRN NMEA System NORAD Identification Notes
C01 01 BeiDou-2 44231 BeiDou 2 GEO-8 (BDS-2) (B1I, B2I, B3I) (RB) (144.5° E)
C02 02 BeiDou-2 38953 BeiDou 2 GEO-6 (BDS-2) (B1I, B2I, B3I) (RB) (84° E)
C03 03 BeiDou-2 41586 BeiDou 2 GEO-7 (BDS-2) (B1I, B2I, B3I) (RB) (110.5° E)
C04 04 BeiDou-2 37210 BeiDou 2 GEO-4 (BDS-2) (B1I, B2I, B3I) (RB) (160° E)
C05 05 BeiDou-2 38091 BeiDou 2 GEO-5 (BDS-2) (B1I, B2I, B3I) (RB) (58.5° E)
C06 06 BeiDou-2 36828 BeiDou 2 IGSO-1 (BDS-2) (B1I, B2I, B3I) (RB)
C07 07 BeiDou-2 37256 BeiDou 2 IGSO-2 (BDS-2) (B1I, B2I, B3I) (RB)
C08 08 BeiDou-2 37384 BeiDou 2 IGSO-3 (BDS-2) (B1I, B2I, B3I) (RB)
C09 09 BeiDou-2 37763 BeiDou 2 IGSO-4 (BDS-2) (B1I, B2I, B3I) (RB)
C10 10 BeiDou-2 37948 BeiDou 2 IGSO-5 (BDS-2) (B1I, B2I, B3I) (RB)
C11 11 BeiDou-2 38250 BeiDou 2 MEO-3 (BDS-2) (B1I, B2I, B3I) (RB)
C12 12 BeiDou-2 38251 BeiDou 2 MEO-4 (BDS-2) (B1I, B2I, B3I) (RB)
C13 13 BeiDou-2 41434 BeiDou 2 IGSO-6 (BDS-2) (B1I, B2I, B3I) (RB)
C14 14 BeiDou-2 38775 BeiDou 2 MEO-6 (BDS-2) (B1I, B2I, B3I) (RB)
C16 16 BeiDou-2 43539 BeiDou 2 IGSO-7 (BDS-2) (B1I, B2I, B3I) (RB)
C19 19 BeiDou-3 43001 BeiDou 3 MEO-1 (BDS-3) (B1I, B3I, B1C, B2a, B2b) (RB)
C20 20 BeiDou-3 43002 BeiDou 3 MEO-2 (BDS-3) (B1I, B3I, B1C, B2a, B2b) (RB)
C21 21 BeiDou-3 43208 BeiDou 3 MEO-3 (BDS-3) (B1I, B3I, B1C, B2a, B2b) (RB)
C22 22 BeiDou-3 43207 BeiDou 3 MEO-4 (BDS-3) (B1I, B3I, B1C, B2a, B2b) (RB)
C23 23 BeiDou-3 43581 BeiDou 3 MEO-5 (BDS-3) (B1I, B3I, B1C, B2a, B2b) (RB)
C24 24 BeiDou-3 43582 BeiDou 3 MEO-6 (BDS-3) (B1I, B3I, B1C, B2a, B2b) (RB)
C25 25 BeiDou-3 43603 BeiDou 3 MEO-11 (BDS-3) (B1I, B3I, B1C, B2a, B2b) (H)
C26 26 BeiDou-3 43602 BeiDou 3 MEO-12 (BDS-3) (B1I, B3I, B1C, B2a, B2b) (H)
C27 27 BeiDou-3 43107 BeiDou 3 MEO-7 (BDS-3) (B1I, B3I, B1C, B2a, B2b) (H)
C28 28 BeiDou-3 43108 BeiDou 3 MEO-8 (BDS-3) (B1I, B3I, B1C, B2a, B2b) (H)
C29 29 BeiDou-3 43245 BeiDou 3 MEO-9 (BDS-3) (B1I, B3I, B1C, B2a, B2b) (H)
C30 30 BeiDou-3 43246 BeiDou 3 MEO-10 (BDS-3) (B1I, B3I, B1C, B2a, B2b) (H)
C31 31 BeiDou-3S 40549 BeiDou 3 IGSO-1S (BDS-3S) (H)
C32 32 BeiDou-3 43622 BeiDou 3 MEO-13 (BDS-3) (B1I, B3I, B1C, B2a, B2b) (RB)
C33 33 BeiDou-3 43623 BeiDou 3 MEO-14 (BDS-3) (B1I, B3I, B1C, B2a, B2b) (RB)
C34 34 BeiDou-3 43648 BeiDou 3 MEO-15 (BDS-3) (B1I, B3I, B1C, B2a, B2b) (H)
C35 35 BeiDou-3 43647 BeiDou 3 MEO-16 (BDS-3) (B1I, B3I, B1C, B2a, B2b) (H)
C36 36 BeiDou-3 43706 BeiDou 3 MEO-17 (BDS-3) (B1I, B3I, B1C, B2a, B2b) (RB)
C37 37 BeiDou-3 43707 BeiDou 3 MEO-18 (BDS-3) (B1I, B3I, B1C, B2a, B2b) (RB)
C38 38 BeiDou-3 44204 BeiDou 3 IGSO-1 (BDS-3) (B1I, B3I, B1C, B2a, B2b) (H)
C39 39 BeiDou-3 44337 BeiDou 3 IGSO-2 (BDS-3) (B1I, B3I, B1C, B2a, B2b) (H)
C40 40 BeiDou-3 44709 BeiDou 3 IGSO-3 (BDS-3) (B1I, B3I, B1C, B2a, B2b) (H)
C41 41 BeiDou-3 44864 BeiDou 3 MEO-19 (BDS-3) (B1I, B3I, B1C, B2a, B2b) (RB)
C42 42 BeiDou-3 44865 BeiDou 3 MEO-20 (BDS-3) (B1I, B3I, B1C, B2a, B2b) (RB)
C43 43 BeiDou-3 44793 BeiDou 3 MEO-21 (BDS-3) (B1I, B3I, B1C, B2a, B2b) (H)
C44 44 BeiDou-3 44794 BeiDou 3 MEO-22 (BDS-3) (B1I, B3I, B1C, B2a, B2b) (H)
C45 45 BeiDou-3 44543 BeiDou 3 MEO-23 (BDS-3) (B1I, B3I, B1C, B2a, B2b) (H)
C46 46 BeiDou-3 44542 BeiDou 3 MEO-24 (BDS-3) (B1I, B3I, B1C, B2a, B2b) (H)
C48 48 BeiDou-3 58655 BeiDou 3 MEO-26 (BDS-3) (B1I, B3I, B1C, B2a, B2b) (H)
C50 50 BeiDou-3 58654 BeiDou 3 MEO-28 (BDS-3) (B1I, B3I, B1C, B2a, B2b) (H)
C56 56 BeiDou-3S 40938 BeiDou 3 IGSO-2S (BDS-3S) (H)
C57 57 BeiDou-3S 40749 BeiDou 3 MEO-1S (BDS-3S) (RB)
C58 58 BeiDou-3S 40748 BeiDou 3 MEO-2S (BDS-3S) (RB)
C59 59 BeiDou-3 43683 BeiDou 3 GEO-1 (BDS-3) (B1I, B3I, B2b) (H) (140° E)
C60 60 BeiDou-3 45344 BeiDou 3 GEO-2 (BDS-3) (B1I, B3I, B2b) (H) (80° E)
C61 61 BeiDou-3 45807 BeiDou 3 GEO-3 (BDS-3) (B1I, B3I, B2b) (H) (110.5° E)
C62 62 BeiDou-3 56564 BeiDou 3 GEO-4 (BDS-3) (B1I, B3I) (H) (160° E)

PRN NMEA System NORAD Identification Notes
I01 01 NavIC 39199 IRNSS-1A (IGSO) (L5, S) (RB) Used only for short message broadcast service following atomic clock failure
I02 02 NavIC 39635 IRNSS-1B (IGSO) (L5, S) (RB)
I03 03 NavIC 40269 IRNSS-1C (GEO) (L5, S) (RB) (83° E)
I04 04 NavIC 40547 IRNSS-1D (IGSO) (L5, S) (RB)
I05 05 NavIC 41241 IRNSS-1E (IGSO) (L5, S) (RB)
I06 06 NavIC 41384 IRNSS-1F (GEO) (L5, S) (RB) (32.5° E)
I07 07 NavIC 41469 IRNSS-1G (GEO) (L5, S) (RB) (129.5° E)
I09 09 NavIC 43286 IRNSS-1I (IGSO) (L5, S) (RB) Replacement for failed IRNSS-1H (originally intended for IRNSS-1A)

PRN NMEA System NORAD Identification Notes
193 01 QZSS 37158 QZS-1 (Michibiki) (QZO) (L1C/A, L1C, L2C, L5) (RB) (AUG 2025) (SVN=001) Shifted to standby operation 25MAR22 (NAQU 2022059) Terminated 15SEP23 (NAQU 2023134)
194 02 QZSS 42738 QZS-2 (Michibiki-2) (QZO) (L1C/A, L1C, L2C, L5) (RB) (AUG 2025) (SVN=002)
195 04 QZSS 42965 QZS-4 (Michibiki-4) (QZO) (L1C/A, L1C, L2C, L5) (RB) (AUG 2025) (SVN=004)
196 05 QZSS 49336 QZS-1R (Michibiki-1R) (QZO) (L1C/A, L1C, L2C, L5) (RB) (AUG 2025) (SVN=005)
199 03 QZSS 42917 QZS-3 (Michibiki-3) (GEO) (L1C/A, L1C, L2C, L5) (RB) (AUG 2025) (SVN=003) (127° E) (See MSAS)

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